Saturday, August 22, 2009

Houston, We've Got a Problem ...

I've been eating lots of raw lately and I'm loving it.
Cabbage roll ups, salads, tofu fake steak, hummus and of course, garlic, garlic, garlic in everything! I love garlic!!!

What's the problem, you might be asking yourself ...

Domenick says I am oozing cabbage and garlic. He says it's coming out of my pores and he hates the smell ... I'm devastated.
I don't want to change the way I'm eating, but I don't want to stink either.

My plan is to start drinking lots of carrot juice to see if that will balance things out and cut down on the amount of garlic I am consuming.

Instead of chopping 3 cloves in one salad, I'll chop up one. :)

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